Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Beloved

Waktu saya lagi cari-cari gambar inspirasi buat ditaruh di post saya tadi malam, tiba-tiba saya mendapatkan satu gambar yang bertuliskan "Do real man after God's own heart still exists?" Dan kemudian saya jadi penasaran dan membuka blog dimana ada gambar itu. Then, didalam blog itu ada sebuah tulisan dalam bentuk surat. And this letter remind me, that a real man after God's own heart still exist and he wait patiently for his future wife. It's very beautiful and so meaningful for me. Please, take some time to read it ;)

My Beloved,
I want you to know that I'm waiting for you. I can't wait to meet you.
To see your eyes, to see your smile and to know about your life.
Wherever you are right now, whatever you're doing, I'm praying for you.
The thought of you excites me.
I can't wait to serve and pursue Christ along side with you.
I can't wait to hold your hands and just pray with you.
I promise you will always play my guitar and I will sing you songs.
What's even better, I can't wait to worship along side with you with your voices.
I can't wait to love you, adore you, cherish you and take care of you.
I'm excited to know everything about you. Everything that makes YOU.
Every single detail that makes you perfect for me.
I know I will appreciate those thing because it's you.
I want to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad.
What makes your day. Your favorite food, drink, music, movie.
Anything, and everything about you.
So I can serve you, love you and take care of you the best way I can.
I can't wait to touch your face when you laugh, cry, make jokes, being silly.
I can't wait to pray, fast, drink coffee, eat carelessly, watch movie, sleep in till we are both late for work, cooking together, make you breakfast in bed, drive our first car, live our first home, raise our own family, seeking God together as a family.
I can't wait to experience trials and suffering with you, grow close together with God.
I can't wait to hold you close to me at night. Till we fall asleep.
I can't wait to give you my ALLeverything of me to you.
I can't wait to lay myself down for you, just as Christ laid down His life for me.
I long and desire for you my beloved.
I can't wait to meet you and spend the rest of my earthly days with you.
I can't wait to love you.
I can't wait to show you this letter in the future when we finally meet.
But for now, I want you to know
I'm patiently waiting for you...

-Mark Muldez-
Taken from here.

Wasn't that so inspiring? That's definitely that I want my Prince to be like ;)
Let us all pray for our future husbands to grow in their walk with the Lord, and to help them to have hearts after God's own heart.

Carilah pasangan hidup yang hatinya benar-benar melekat pada TUHAN. A man after His own heart. Kalau hatinya melekat sama Tuhan, dia PASTI tahu apa peran dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang suami (which is sebagai kepala keluarga dan pemimpin) dan PASTI akan semaksimal mungkin menjalankan peran itu, meski mungkin aslinya dia, kepribadiannya, atau karakternya, nggak begitu. - Stephanie Zen

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