Monday, December 31, 2012

Year END!

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom - Psalm 90:12

This is the last day on December and of course the last day in 2012. December is a really good time to evaluate what we have done during this past year - the past 366 days! Did our life and work reap eternal results? It is the time of year when we should assess the results of our work for the Lord and consider whether we have made the most of our time, talent, experience and treasure. Time to think through and make changes in our goals and plans for the upcoming year.
It is the also time we appraise our giving to the Lord. He has blessed us with time, experiences, resources, talents, spiritual gifts and network of people. Did we have an attitude of gratitude last year? Have we used our income to help to evangelize and disciple and feed people around the world?
How much time did I spend in the Word and in prayer? How many people did I pray for? How many people have I been instrumental in bringing from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light? How many people have been discipled through the ministry I'm involved with? How many people have been trained and challenged to go?
As I go through my papers and invoices carefully, I become keenly aware of how I have spent my time and money this past year. Then I take time to pray and plan for the coming year. How can I best use my God-given time, talent and treasure during the next 365 days?

Dear Lord, Help us to “carry-on” in this coming New Year. Help us to grasp the reins of hope. When we look at the reflections of our lives, helps us to see what awaits us in eternity, not what has passed. Thank you Lord for your strength and wisdom in all things! Amen.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Birthday Reflections

Praise the Lord!
Akhirnya datang juga hari kemarin, tanggal 29 Desember, tanggal dimana umur aku bertambah dan officially jadi 19 tahun!!! sembilan belas men, sembilan belasss.. Bentar lagi 20 hahaha.
Kemarin, sebenarnya aku berencana untuk bikin ibadah keluarga dirumah, tapi ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba mama berubah pikiran trus mama bilang ke aku buat undang teman-teman dekat aku, teman waktu SMA dulu juga teman kampus aku. Aku sih ikut aja, tapi ga terlalu berharap mereka bisa datang soalnya kan ini lagi libur jadi pastinya mereka punya rencana masing-masing apalagi aku bilangnya mendadak.
But, i'm totally surprised waktu melihat mereka datang :'D pake bawa kado segala o___o

blowing up the candles

the gifts from my dears :')

Be grateful!
A Birthday Reflections
Well,  I have definitely accomplished a lot this past year. I have met some fabulous people. I have done things that I’ve never tried before. I've learned so much in medical arena, because i'm a medical student. And most importantly, I remain open to the possibility of many new adventures in the coming year.
I know that I have no idea about what tomorrow may bring let alone where I will be and what I will be doing a year from now. I truly want to enjoy each day and do the best that I can with it. I want to learn more which will allow me to be more and enjoy more. I want to keep an open heart and give lots of love to everyone who comes my way. And I want to remain open to trying new things whenever the opportunities present themselves.
Yes, I have a wonderful life. I have had a remarkable year this past year and I know that the coming year will be just as fantastic as long as I allow for it to be so. I will celebrate what I have accomplished and look forward to all that is yet to be. This should be lots of fun.
Thank you, Lord Jesus :')

For me, it's not about a bunch of presents and having a special dinner. It is about spending the time with the person or people that I love and having lots of fun. I am so blessed because I'm able to do whatever I want everyday and share it with the greatest people around me.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to earth as a baby so many years ago. 
Thank you that He paid the punishment for my sins by dying on the cross. 
And thank you that He rose again to prove that death was truly defeated.
I place my trust in You to be my Savior.
Guide me through the dark times of my life and give me courage to live for You.  Amen

Friday, December 21, 2012

Learned from It

It's actually not my original post. I got it from the post by kak Stephanie Zen in her blog, but I think sometimes that condition also happened to me. I've learned how God shape me when I read that post. That's why, I want you all read it and maybe can learned from it too. Enjoy the post ;)

Saat kita melakukan sesuatu, terkadang hasilnya tidak seperti yang kita harapkan. Dan seringkali itu membuat kita kecewa, marah, sedih dan tidak jarang protes ke Tuhan. Dan, hal itu juga terjadi pada saya. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa, saat ada hal-hal dalam kegiatan perkuliahan yang kurang sejalan dengan kainginan saya, atau saat harapan saya untuk mendapatkan nilai yang memuaskan tidak tercapai, saya sering bertanya "Kenapa, TUHAN?"

"How could you demand the best result from Me, while you did not give Me your best effort?” 

Mendadak, saya teringat kebiasaan buruk saya yang suka menunda belajar sebelum ujian hingga menit-menit terakhir. Saya teringat kebiasaan saya mengerjakan assignment dengan SKS alias Sistem Kebut Semalam. Saya teringat komitmen yang saya langgar untuk at least baca-baca dulu materi kuliah yang bakal dibahas keesokan harinya.
How could I demand God to give me the best result, while I didn’t give Him my best effort? Belajar cuma semalam menjelang ujian, kok berani-berani minta nilai bagus? Nggak pernah belajar (kalau nggak besoknya ujian), kok ngamuk cuma dikasih nilai pas-pasan? Masih untung Tuhan ngasih pas-pasan, gimana kalau Tuhan kasih Failed?
Setiap kali saya melangkah keluar dari kehendak-Nya, Dia selalu menghajar saya cukup sakit, hingga saya jera, tapi TIDAK PERNAH terlalu sakit hingga saya hancur. Dan di atas semua itu, saya tahu Dia melakukannya bukan karena Dia marah, tapi justru karena Dia sangat mengasihi saya.
Hai anakku, janganlah anggap enteng didikan Tuhan, dan janganlah putus asa apabila engkau diperingatkan-Nya; karena Tuhan menghajar orang yang dikasihi-Nya, dan Ia menyesah orang yang diakui-Nya sebagai anak." Jika kamu harus menanggung ganjaran; Allah memperlakukan kamu seperti anak. Di manakah terdapat anak yang tidak dihajar oleh ayahnya? (Ibrani 12:5-7)
Setiap kali saya merasakan Dia sedang menghajar saya, saya memaksa diri saya untuk langsung introspeksi, minta ampun dan berbalik. Jangan sampai saya kebangetan hingga perlu dihajar lebih keras lagi. Dia sangat mengasihi saya, dan Dia tahu kalau saya nggak dihajar, in the end saya sendiri lah yang bakal hancur, dan nggak mungkin Tuhan ketawa-ketawa melihat saya hancur sambil ngomong, “Gue bilang juga apa, Nak!”. Dia pasti juga menangis… :(
Jadi, yaah… saya tahu banget di aspek mana saja saya masih terus dibentuk dan diubahkan oleh Tuhan. Berhubung saya orang yang cukup gengsian, terutama soal achievements, Tuhan masih terus bentuk saya di aspek ini. Kalau nilai bagus semua, saya yakin saya pasti sombong (kalau jalan di kampus pasti hidungnya terangkat ke atas, wakakakak!), dan saya juga nggak berusaha lebih baik lagi :)

Paulus dalam Roma 8:28 bilang...
Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia.
“Segala sesuatu” lho, berarti bukan cuma hal-hal baik aja… kadang Dia juga pakai hal-hal buruk untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia. 
“Segala sesuatu”… means Dia nggak cuma pakai nilai bagus untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi saya, tapi juga nilai pas-pasan, karena dengan begitu Dia bisa membentuk saya lebih dan lebih lagi sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya :)

Thank you, LORD. I am forever grateful to have a Father like You. Mold me even more LORD, so I become more like your beloved Son, Jesus. Amen!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When God says WAIT

I just read an article pas lagi browsing dan kayaknya pas banget buat saya...
And, here it is

When God says WAIT
Do you know what it means to wait upon the Lord?
Apparently the word “wait” here is not simply “just wait”. It means to hold on and to put all your hope in God alone. I once felt screwed up, and didn’t know what decision I had to make. And yet God said to me… Wait!
It could be so frustrating at times. You are dying to know the end result by a certain time, but you don’t have the remote control to preview the ending. You couldn’t just fast forward through the dull part of life. You still have to go through the waiting period.
Waiting is not easy. It gets too long and you might get so bored. To wait needs the other party to take an action. Your effort wouldn’t make a significant progress toward the results. It is like synchronizing my iPod to my iTunes. I have to sync my mind with God’s mind. My iPod shouldn’t play songs that I don’t have in my iTunes. Similarly, I shouldn’t play my own life scenario while God himself has written down my life scenario long before I was born.
“Wait on the Lord” simply means that I trust my God completely. When I think something is GOOD enough, God might not agree with me. He picks the BEST for me. When my clock ticks ON TIME, God says “I am rushing”. Interestingly, when He says WAIT, I will simply have to wait. I am not good enough to convince Him to change His mind nor to rush Him. God is sure His way is higher and His time is perfect.
After all God knows me inside out. The Scripture says that every moment of my life was laid out before a single day has passed. One day when I reach my destination, I will look back and testify how God has fulfilled my heart desires.
To wrap up, I am not saying all of these from a mere optimistic point of view. I am more than being optimistic. I am claiming God’s promises in my life.
When God says WAIT, I will wait patiently,
When I have to WAIT, I will do it joyfully.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Beloved

Waktu saya lagi cari-cari gambar inspirasi buat ditaruh di post saya tadi malam, tiba-tiba saya mendapatkan satu gambar yang bertuliskan "Do real man after God's own heart still exists?" Dan kemudian saya jadi penasaran dan membuka blog dimana ada gambar itu. Then, didalam blog itu ada sebuah tulisan dalam bentuk surat. And this letter remind me, that a real man after God's own heart still exist and he wait patiently for his future wife. It's very beautiful and so meaningful for me. Please, take some time to read it ;)

My Beloved,
I want you to know that I'm waiting for you. I can't wait to meet you.
To see your eyes, to see your smile and to know about your life.
Wherever you are right now, whatever you're doing, I'm praying for you.
The thought of you excites me.
I can't wait to serve and pursue Christ along side with you.
I can't wait to hold your hands and just pray with you.
I promise you will always play my guitar and I will sing you songs.
What's even better, I can't wait to worship along side with you with your voices.
I can't wait to love you, adore you, cherish you and take care of you.
I'm excited to know everything about you. Everything that makes YOU.
Every single detail that makes you perfect for me.
I know I will appreciate those thing because it's you.
I want to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad.
What makes your day. Your favorite food, drink, music, movie.
Anything, and everything about you.
So I can serve you, love you and take care of you the best way I can.
I can't wait to touch your face when you laugh, cry, make jokes, being silly.
I can't wait to pray, fast, drink coffee, eat carelessly, watch movie, sleep in till we are both late for work, cooking together, make you breakfast in bed, drive our first car, live our first home, raise our own family, seeking God together as a family.
I can't wait to experience trials and suffering with you, grow close together with God.
I can't wait to hold you close to me at night. Till we fall asleep.
I can't wait to give you my ALLeverything of me to you.
I can't wait to lay myself down for you, just as Christ laid down His life for me.
I long and desire for you my beloved.
I can't wait to meet you and spend the rest of my earthly days with you.
I can't wait to love you.
I can't wait to show you this letter in the future when we finally meet.
But for now, I want you to know
I'm patiently waiting for you...

-Mark Muldez-
Taken from here.

Wasn't that so inspiring? That's definitely that I want my Prince to be like ;)
Let us all pray for our future husbands to grow in their walk with the Lord, and to help them to have hearts after God's own heart.

Carilah pasangan hidup yang hatinya benar-benar melekat pada TUHAN. A man after His own heart. Kalau hatinya melekat sama Tuhan, dia PASTI tahu apa peran dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang suami (which is sebagai kepala keluarga dan pemimpin) dan PASTI akan semaksimal mungkin menjalankan peran itu, meski mungkin aslinya dia, kepribadiannya, atau karakternya, nggak begitu. - Stephanie Zen