Sunday, December 30, 2012

Birthday Reflections

Praise the Lord!
Akhirnya datang juga hari kemarin, tanggal 29 Desember, tanggal dimana umur aku bertambah dan officially jadi 19 tahun!!! sembilan belas men, sembilan belasss.. Bentar lagi 20 hahaha.
Kemarin, sebenarnya aku berencana untuk bikin ibadah keluarga dirumah, tapi ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba mama berubah pikiran trus mama bilang ke aku buat undang teman-teman dekat aku, teman waktu SMA dulu juga teman kampus aku. Aku sih ikut aja, tapi ga terlalu berharap mereka bisa datang soalnya kan ini lagi libur jadi pastinya mereka punya rencana masing-masing apalagi aku bilangnya mendadak.
But, i'm totally surprised waktu melihat mereka datang :'D pake bawa kado segala o___o

blowing up the candles

the gifts from my dears :')

Be grateful!
A Birthday Reflections
Well,  I have definitely accomplished a lot this past year. I have met some fabulous people. I have done things that I’ve never tried before. I've learned so much in medical arena, because i'm a medical student. And most importantly, I remain open to the possibility of many new adventures in the coming year.
I know that I have no idea about what tomorrow may bring let alone where I will be and what I will be doing a year from now. I truly want to enjoy each day and do the best that I can with it. I want to learn more which will allow me to be more and enjoy more. I want to keep an open heart and give lots of love to everyone who comes my way. And I want to remain open to trying new things whenever the opportunities present themselves.
Yes, I have a wonderful life. I have had a remarkable year this past year and I know that the coming year will be just as fantastic as long as I allow for it to be so. I will celebrate what I have accomplished and look forward to all that is yet to be. This should be lots of fun.
Thank you, Lord Jesus :')

For me, it's not about a bunch of presents and having a special dinner. It is about spending the time with the person or people that I love and having lots of fun. I am so blessed because I'm able to do whatever I want everyday and share it with the greatest people around me.

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